Keep Up With Events at GloriaTheatre.comWe get approached with great ideas all of the time. Every once in awhile, one of these great ideas really energizes us because it's something that can completely transform and reunite our community. This is one of those ideas.
We are extremely proud to be a part of The GrandWorks Foundation's efforts to revitalize the Gloria Theatre. Both Chris and Ryan have amazing childhood memories of visiting the theater, and the thought of returning to the Gloria with our own young families is why we do what we do in our hometown. The GrandWorks Foundation and a great group of volunteers are just as excited to rejuvenate those memories and nostalgic feelings in our community. With so many exciting events going on at the Gloria, it can be hard to keep up, but with a beautiful new mobile-friendly site from Berry Digital Solutions, LLC, that will no longer be a problem. The Gloria and GrandWorks Foundation have also utilized Berry Digital Solutions to help create a strong social media presence that allows the community to engage in these events and give feedback in real time. Do yourself a favor and attend an upcoming event at the Gloria Theatre. Experience a rare show, blockbuster movie, or musical in your own backyard in a small rural town. Or rent out the theater for your next fun event. Accomplish all of this by visiting and following the Facebook Page. |
October 2024