Over the past year, many employees have found themselves in a new situation of having to work from home. While some people may have found this transition easy, others may still be struggling. If you are longing for the days of being in the office with coworkers, having a set routine, and easily separating work life from home life; read these top tips to make working from home a little easier.
1. Having a Dedicated Workspace If you find yourself working from different areas of the house each day, it might be time to consider creating a permanent work from home setup. If you don’t have enough room for a full-size desk, get creative about an area of your home that could work. A countertop, or a seat at the kitchen table could function as your work from home office. Having one space to work from helps your mind separate work time from home life. 2. Taking Breaks (Short-term and Long-term) A lot of tips online talk about taking short-term breaks throughout your workday. If you used to go get coffee once a day, take some time to create your own coffee at home and enjoy the time away from your computer. These 10-15 minute breaks each day are important, but it is also important to remember you have vacation time to use as well. Being at home all the time can make you feel like you don’t deserve a break from work because you aren’t actually in the office. If you haven’t used any vacation time in the last year, consider taking a week off to just recharge and regroup. 3. Create a Routine That Works for You One big benefit from working in the office each day is that there is a routine set in place for you. It is highly beneficial for you to create the same sort of routine at home. Making sure you start your day at the same time, take your lunch around the same time, and have a good end of day routine (read number five for more tips) can help you get focused each day and help you walk away from work at the end of the day to enjoy your own time. 4. Get Up and Move Working from home can mean you end up sitting in the same place all day long. There is no walking to get a mid-day snack or going out to lunch with friends. Aside from bathroom breaks, you might not get up much at all during your day. Make sure you take time to stretch, get your blood flowing and recharge your mind. Creating good habits while you are working from home will make it easier for you once you get back to the office. You can incorporate your new routine into your office life and maybe even inspire others. 5. Create an End of the Day Routine As far as working from home goes, this is one of the most beneficial tips there is out there. Create a solid end of the day routine to tell your mind and body it is time to stop working. This can look different for everyone. Some people like to get up at the end of the day and enjoy a glass of water and a short walk. It could be spending time with a member of the household or a pet. Whatever it is, make sure you get away from your work area and enjoy something besides work for a few minutes. This will prevent you from slipping back into work mode and sending just “one more email” that adds up to an extra hour of work each day. This is a new time for employers and employees. Many companies are now offering full-time work from home positions and the days of office life are gone. Make sure as you transition into this new way of working, you create a routine that works for you. You may live and work in the same place now, but that doesn’t mean you have to be working 24 hours a day. It is very important to continue to create time for yourself and have a good work/life balance. Written by Chelsea Bray- Elle A. Design
Outside of work, I like to spend time with family. I have been married to my husband since 2003, and we have a 16 year-old daughter and a 12 year-old son. My son is autistic, and for most of his life, I've stayed home with him, taking him to special schools and therapy. Now that he's a little older, I enjoy working from home, building and updating websites whenever I get a free second!
I love to read and hike, and I'm a lifelong Cincinnati Reds fan, but my passion is travelling. I've been to 46 states and all over Europe, Canada, and the Caribbean, and there's plenty more on my bucket list. I spend a lot of my free time planning my next adventure! Having a website that not only functions well, but looks good too, is very important in this digital day and age. There are many platforms out there for do-it-yourself business owners, but what are the benefits of working with a company the specializes in website design? Take a look at these five key benefits that will help you decide whether or not doing it on your own is worth the time, money, and commitment.
1. It Will Save you Time Chances are you don’t know all of the ins and outs of building a successful website. You might be more than capable of learning how to make a website, but every minute you spend working on your website could be spent building your business in other ways. In the long run you are going to save yourself a lot of time if you let a professional take the lead on your new website. 2. Compatibility with Technology as it Changes Part of being a professional is having a never-ending commitment to learning. Industry leaders keep up to date on trends, technology, and any other advances in their field that could help their clients. Their lifelong commitment to their profession shows in all of their work and gives them the drive to continue to learn and grow. This will ensure that your website is always up to date with any changes in technology as they happen. 3. Positive First Impression You get one chance to make a first impression. The first time someone visits your site, it gives you a chance to make them a customer, and potentially an advocate for your business. If they are impressed with the look and functionality, they are more likely to recommend it to others. A website design company knows how to capture the attention of your audience and make you stand out from the crowd. 4. Your Website Will be SEO Optimized It is great to have a beautiful website that offers users easy functionality, but you have to make sure people can find it. When your website is being created there is a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes to make sure it is SEO optimized. This means you will appear higher in search results and more people, and potential customers, will be able to find your website. 5. It is an Investment in the Future of Your Business When you think about the long-term benefits of having a well-functioning website, it makes a lot of sense to leave something this important up to the professionals. A good website can last you many years with proper maintenance. Looking at this as a long-term investment versus a short-term cost, makes the decision to work with a website design company even easier. We hope this list has helped you see the benefits of investing in a professional website for your business. There are so many more benefits when choosing to work with us, but we hope this list empowers you to leave your website in our hands. We are experienced, professional and passionate about what we do. We can’t wait to help you! |
October 2024