When was the last time you checked out your own website? Often, this is something even WE overlook. We understand. In this day and age, it's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day work. Like us, that work probably has you on dozens of other sites all day long and before you realize it, a lot of time has flown by since your last check-in on your own site. It may feel it may feel like you just launched that "new" website last month, but maybe a couple years have gone by, and in the digital world, a couple of years can be a lifetime. Best practices, new trends, search optimization, and algorithms are ever-evolving and constantly changing, but try not to get too overwhelmed with it all. Here are a few simple signs it may be time for a little website work:
We always recommend checking out a couple of competitors' sites, especially competitors that may be surging ahead of you lately. See what's working for them and put it to work for you! 2. Slow load times and an unresponsive design.
Digital technology evolves, and so should your site. Just a few years ago, most people pulled out a laptop or visited their trusty, old desktop computer to surf the web. Now, the overwhelming majority of web surfers access sites through their phones, tablets or other mobile devices. More now than ever, your site needs to be mobile-friendly, with an emphasis on quick and easy page loads if the majority of your traffic also comes from rural west-central Ohio, where mobile and WiFi signals can still be spotty and inconsistent. 3. Your site is not accessible. Many people with disabilities use special technologies to access the web and your site should be ADA compliant. Take the next step to ensure you're not missing out on these customers, but also take the next step because it's the law. 4. Business is down, you're getting less traffic and/or generating fewer leads. Your outdated website and web presence could be the culprit. Not keeping up with changes and the ever-evolving way search engines (or SEO) works, can hurt your businesses' visibility. Don't fade into the background with an outdated website and failing web presence. And if you want another digital boost, ask us about digital marketing opportunities. Try shifting outdated advertising dollars (yellow pages, newspaper/radio ads, billboards, etc.) to newer, measurable marketing opportunities. 5. It has been more than three years since you gave your site a facelift. If it has been three years, you are behind the curve. That's just the way it is nowadays. Even if you spent countless hours and thousands of dollars on a brand new site in 2016, it's probably already outdated, slower than your competitors and in need of a facelift or total re-design on a new platform. And don't fret about the cost. You may have paid a hefty price for a new website in the past, but costs are going down as technology makes new builds easier and faster. We've been told more than once that we don't charge enough for our services. We take it as a compliment, but we aren't going to charge more just because the last company you worked with did. Our goal is to get as many local sites as possible working the way they should. If we raise the bar for all of our local sites, we have a firm belief that everyone in our local economy will benefit as we help attract outsiders to our beautiful little region. So if you could relate to any of the 5 points we laid out above, please don't hesitate to reach out to Berry Digital Solutions today. A meeting with our owners and a website consultation is absolutely free, and even if you don't end up with a brand new Berry Digital Solutions website, you're moving in the right direction. Schedule your website consultation today! |
May 2024